Doctrinal Statement
This we believe...
The Holy Scriptures are...
-the inspired word of God (2 Tim 3:16)
God is...
-our Creator (Gen 1:1)
-our Sustainer (Phil 4:19)
-the author of our salvation (Acts 4:11-12)
Christ was...
-born of a virgin (Isa 7:14, Matt 1:20-21)
-sinless (Heb 4:15)
-crucified (Luke 23:33, Rom 8:32)
-raised from the dead (Luke 24:6, Matt 28:6)
-ascended to God and sits on the right hand of the father (Mark 16:19)
Christ is...
-the only begotten son of God sent into the world so that the world through him might be saved (John 3:16-17)
-the atoning sacrifice for our sins. Through his death on the cross, the righteousness of God is given freely, by grace to all who believe (Rom. 3:24-25)
-an integral part of the Godhead trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit (John 3:16, John 14:26)
The Holy Spirit...
-empowers believers and enables believers to share the Gospel in love and without fear (Acts 1:8)
Our Sacraments, We believe....
Marriage is a holy union, instituted by God, serving as an Earthly example of Gods relationship with his Church (Gen. 2:21-24, Eph. 5:25-30)
Baptism is an outward sign of an inward confession of faith. It symbolizes repentance and cleansing. Following Christ in baptism fulfills all righteousness (Matt. 3:13-17)
Celebration of Holy Communion is a holy remembrance of Gods sacrifice. It is a commemoration of his death and resurrection; and, thereby his atonement for our sins (1 Cor. 11:23-29)
Finally, We believe...
Jesus is the Christ, the Holy One of God upon whom lays the Foundation of our faith. The stone the builders rejected has become the stone upon which our church is built. (Isa. 28:16, Eph. 2:20, 1 Pet. 2:6)
Jesus is our cornerstone...
All things exist to bring glory to God. To bring God the fullest glory requires us to be in right relationship with God and the world. This right relationship comes from placing our faith in Jesus Christ. Our passion is to know, love, emulate his life and character, and deepen our relationship with Jesus. A pursuit of God through the gospel of Jesus Christ is our central focus.
People who are passionate for Jesus will be passionate to fulfill his mission in the world. The church has one mission: to glorify God by partnering with God to bring about God's kingdom on earth. The corporate mission of Cornerstone is to actively engage the world with loving actions that will seek to express God's love and redemption in the world. Every person has been given a God-designed purpose and assignment to fulfill for God's redemptive plan in the world. Cornerstone expects every person to be actively engaged in that God-given assignment. We are committed to equipping every participant to serve in their unique and corporate calling. We are a community of God-inspired people with a God-inspired mission.
The church is a unique community, a living organism, not an organization or place. The church exists in relationship with God, with others, and the world. God has called people into this community to deepen their faith in Jesus, be committed to each other and to serve one another and the world. In the New Testament the primary gatherings were small groups of people committed to meeting regularly in homes. These small groups provided opportunities for people to grow in their understanding and expression of God's purpose in their life, neighborhood, and the world. We desire to be a community where intimate and authentic relationships with God and others, inside and outside the church community, will be encouraged to deepen their passion for God and the world. We value authenticity in our relationships with God and others.
Truth is more than philosophical or theoretical ideas. Truth is an essence that affects every aspect of our life. Truth is found in a person, Jesus Christ. We learn about Truth through the Bible, God's self-revelation to humankind of God's activity in the history of our world. The Bible is God's authoritative word to us and guides us to the Truth, Jesus Christ. Cornerstone is committed to leading people to the Truth as revealed through the Bible.
The Latin root word of compassion means to suffer together with. When we are compassionate the circumstances of others are elevated above our own conditions. To be a follower of Jesus is to be a servant putting the needs of others before our own. You can expect the people of Cornerstone to be more concerned about the welfare of others over their own self-interest. We are committed to being a community that shows the love of God to our neighbors and the world through tangible expressions of love through compassionate action in our community and world.
With 13,000 different ethnic groups in the world God must love diversity! Jesus' ministry dismantled the barriers that keep diverse people from relating together. The church should reflect God's diversity with people from different races, social classes, and perspectives sharing life together in the unity of Jesus. CCC embraces unified diversity grounded in a common love for Jesus.
Doctrinal Statement
This we believe...
The Holy Scriptures are...
-the inspired word of God (2 Tim 3:16)
God is...
-our Creator (Gen 1:1)
-our Sustainer (Phil 4:19)
-the author of our salvation (Acts 4:11-12)
Christ was...
-born of a virgin (Isa 7:14, Matt 1:20-21)
-sinless (Heb 4:15)
-crucified (Luke 23:33, Rom 8:32)
-raised from the dead (Luke 24:6, Matt 28:6)
-ascended to God and sits on the right hand of the father (Mark 16:19)
Christ is...
-the only begotten son of God sent into the world so that the world through him might be saved (John 3:16-17)
-the atoning sacrifice for our sins. Through his death on the cross, the righteousness of God is given freely, by grace to all who believe (Rom. 3:24-25)
-an integral part of the Godhead trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit (John 3:16, John 14:26)
The Holy Spirit...
-empowers believers and enables believers to share the Gospel in love and without fear (Acts 1:8)
Our Sacraments, We believe....
Marriage is a holy union, instituted by God, serving as an Earthly example of Gods relationship with his Church (Gen. 2:21-24, Eph. 5:25-30)
Baptism is an outward sign of an inward confession of faith. It symbolizes repentance and cleansing. Following Christ in baptism fulfills all righteousness (Matt. 3:13-17)
Celebration of Holy Communion is a holy remembrance of Gods sacrifice. It is a commemoration of his death and resurrection; and, thereby his atonement for our sins (1 Cor. 11:23-29)
Finally, We believe...
Jesus is the Christ, the Holy One of God upon whom lays the Foundation of our faith. The stone the builders rejected has become the stone upon which our church is built. (Isa. 28:16, Eph. 2:20, 1 Pet. 2:6)
Jesus is our cornerstone...
All things exist to bring glory to God. To bring God the fullest glory requires us to be in right relationship with God and the world. This right relationship comes from placing our faith in Jesus Christ. Our passion is to know, love, emulate his life and character, and deepen our relationship with Jesus. A pursuit of God through the gospel of Jesus Christ is our central focus.
People who are passionate for Jesus will be passionate to fulfill his mission in the world. The church has one mission: to glorify God by partnering with God to bring about God's kingdom on earth. The corporate mission of Cornerstone is to actively engage the world with loving actions that will seek to express God's love and redemption in the world. Every person has been given a God-designed purpose and assignment to fulfill for God's redemptive plan in the world. Cornerstone expects every person to be actively engaged in that God-given assignment. We are committed to equipping every participant to serve in their unique and corporate calling. We are a community of God-inspired people with a God-inspired mission.
The church is a unique community, a living organism, not an organization or place. The church exists in relationship with God, with others, and the world. God has called people into this community to deepen their faith in Jesus, be committed to each other and to serve one another and the world. In the New Testament the primary gatherings were small groups of people committed to meeting regularly in homes. These small groups provided opportunities for people to grow in their understanding and expression of God's purpose in their life, neighborhood, and the world. We desire to be a community where intimate and authentic relationships with God and others, inside and outside the church community, will be encouraged to deepen their passion for God and the world. We value authenticity in our relationships with God and others.
Truth is more than philosophical or theoretical ideas. Truth is an essence that affects every aspect of our life. Truth is found in a person, Jesus Christ. We learn about Truth through the Bible, God's self-revelation to humankind of God's activity in the history of our world. The Bible is God's authoritative word to us and guides us to the Truth, Jesus Christ. Cornerstone is committed to leading people to the Truth as revealed through the Bible.
The Latin root word of compassion means to suffer together with. When we are compassionate the circumstances of others are elevated above our own conditions. To be a follower of Jesus is to be a servant putting the needs of others before our own. You can expect the people of Cornerstone to be more concerned about the welfare of others over their own self-interest. We are committed to being a community that shows the love of God to our neighbors and the world through tangible expressions of love through compassionate action in our community and world.
With 13,000 different ethnic groups in the world God must love diversity! Jesus' ministry dismantled the barriers that keep diverse people from relating together. The church should reflect God's diversity with people from different races, social classes, and perspectives sharing life together in the unity of Jesus. CCC embraces unified diversity grounded in a common love for Jesus.